-Hello, I am an independent artist/photographer who takes photographs on my own behalf and contributes to some leading media agencies. Some of the current topics I work on are Mediterranean lifestyles.
I live in France.
Uygar Özel
Bachelor of Fine Arts. Member of IAA-AIAP Unesco Turkiye. Gerrit Rietveld Academy of Art. Hogeschool voor Beeldende Kunst Audio-Visueel Amsterdam, Netherlands 2004-2006. D.E.U. Faculty of Fine Arts D.E.U Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Fashion Accessories Design Izmir, Turkey 2004 (dipl.). Izmir Anatolian High School of Fine Arts Anadolu Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi Painting Izmir, Turkey 1995 (dipl.) • Exhibitions & Publishings & Milestones. 2001 - Solo photography exhibition, Center of French Culture, Izmir, Turkey. 2001 - Lost Anatolian Leopard. Atlas magazine. Photographer. Istanbul, Turkey. 2001 - Gediz Deltası. Atlas geography magazine. Photographer. Istanbul, Turkey. 2004 - Polaroid.com. Visual collection of international Polaroid artists. U.S.A. 2004 - 'Secret Face' Group art exhibition, Izmir, Turkey. 2005 - Vilem Flusser's 'Towards a Philosophy of Photography'; Cover. Istanbul, Turkey. 2009 - 'Spontaneously, One in a Million' Project, Center of French Culture. Izmir, Turkey. 2009-2013 - Advertising photographs for Vodafone Turkey. Istanbul. 2013 - Participation Festival Voies Off, photography festival, Arles, France. 2013 - Private photographer of President of Mexico and Tourism Minister. Izmir, Turkey. 2014 - Book cover image of author Marc de Bel's book named 'Yoro'. Belgium. 2015 - BBC Turkish's documentary about Poet Ilhan Berk. Portrait photo. Istanbul, Turkey. 2016 - Football from the world. Author Pelle Mortensen's book. Denmark. 2016 - Solo photography exhibition. 'Nassara Bonjour'. Izmir, Turkey. 2017 - Solo photography exhibition. 'From Burkina Faso to Japan'. Izmir, Turkey. 2017 - National Geographic Traveller India, Nov. Croatian woman's portrait. 2018 - National Geographic Traveller India, July. Japanese woman's portrait. 2018 - Solo photography exhibition. ' Everywhere & Everything '. Izmir, Turkey. 2017-2019 - Bornova Kent Magazine. Photographer. Izmir, Turkey. 2021 - The Guardian, ''Best Photographs of The Week in Wildlife'', 20 Aug. 2021 - The Guardian, ''Best Photographs of The Day'', 14 Sept. 2021 - The Guardian, ''The Weekend's best photographs'', 19 Sept. 2021 - The Times, ''News in Pictures'', 21 Sept. 2021 - Liberation / International / Moyen-Orient, 21 octobre (Photo). 2022 - Jury member of Istanbul Street Photo Festival.
© Copyrights of all images appearing on the page belongs to Uygar Ozel, 2025.